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What You Should Do With Your Tax Refund

  • Start (or add to) an emergency fund. Do you have a dedicated rainy day fund? Consider setting this money aside for a tight spot you may find yourself in at another time.
  • Invest in yourself. You could put the money toward education, career training, or personal improvement.
  • Use it for a down payment on a vehicle or real property. Real property may represent a better financial choice, but updating your vehicle may have merit - cars do wear out.
  • Put it into a retirement account. If you haven’t maximized your contributions this year or have a chance to get an employer match, it may be worth considering.
  • Pay down debt. Almost always a wise move.
  • Get your home ready for the market. Spruce up the yard, exterior, or interior of your residence, or hire professional who can assist you with staging it.
  • Improve your home with energy-saving appliances. Or windows, or weather-stripping, or solar panels – just to name a few options.
  • Create your own food bank. What if a hurricane or an earthquake hits? Where would your food and water come from? Emergency food stores are worth considering.
  • See a doctor, optometrist, dentist or physical therapist. If you have not been able to see these professionals due to your insurance situation or your personal cash flow, why not do it now?
  • Pay for a getaway you have been dreaming about. If you are debt-free and feel financially confident, perhaps you should consider rewarding yourself with travel?
  • Pay it forward. Your refund could turn into a charitable contribution (deductible on next year’s federal tax return, if you itemize deductions.)